secureSWF is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Please click on the appropriate link to start your download.
If you own a registration key of any edition, then you can enter it when secureSWF starts. This will unlock all the demo version limitations.
Depending on which version your registration key is for, some features might be disabled. Check out the detailed editions comparison table.
The Demo version will leave a visible watermark that says "Protected by secureSWF" on protected SWF files. You can evaluative secureSWF and use the demo version for as long you need. However, you are not allowed to publish Flash apps protected by secureSWF Demo version
By downloading secureSWF, you agree to the End User License Agreement.You are downloading secureSWF v4.6 Build 484 - 3883
secureSWF for Windows
Requires Java 6 or later.
Mac OS X
secureSWF for OS X
Java 6 or later.
secureSWF for Linux
requires GTK 2 (for GUI)
and Java 6 or