secureSWF Reviews

Want to know what others think of secureSWF? Here's a list of reviews and articles which mentions secureSWF by the community.

[Jul 2011] Protect, encrypt and sitelock your Flash games by Emanuele Feronato
[May 2011] secureSWF - SWF, SWC, AIR Obfuscation Plus Extras
[Mar 2011] On BlackLists by Andy Moore
[Oct 2010] Kindisoft SecureSWF Review by Hugo Larcher
[Apr 2010] Kindisoft SecureSWF by Gareth Jones
[Apr 2010] GameDev Review by John Hattan
[Sep 2009] Saved Game (a secureSWF Review) by Untold Entertainment
[Jun 2009] Why and How to Encrypt Your Flash SWF by ASGamer
[Apr 2009] Using Secured SWFs as BEML Widgets

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Thousands of businesses around the world rely on secureSWF to protect their ActionScript code from SWF decompilers

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